FAQ to navigate through infinithoughts e-magazine

How to Zoom-in

Zoom-in: In the top right corner of the screen you will find a two-headed black arrow, and by clicking on the arrow the current page will get Zoomed. Now you can move to any area of the digital magazine.

How to Zoom-out

Zoom-out: After Zoom-in, you will see a two-headed white arrow in the right corner of the screen. On clicking the page resumes to full pageview.

How to go the Next Page

Next page: When you move the mouse pointer to the edge of any right-side pages, you will see a white arrow indicating Right-side in a grey linear box. Upon clicking on the grey box, you will navigate to the next page.

How to go the Previous Page

Previous-page: When you move the mouse pointer to of the edge of any left-side pages, you will see a white arrow indicating Left-side in a grey linear box. Upon clicking on the grey box, you will navigate to the previous page.

How to go to a specific page

You will find a menu on the right side of the digital magazine denoting "Goto Page" on clicking that button, you will see a Popup Window exhibiting the Page numbers in a thumbnail format with all page numbers. On clicking the desired page number, you will navigate to the page. For example, if you click on the 11th page, the system will open the 11th page in the flip digital format

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