The Most Powerful Tool to give up Anger!
4 important insights to become aware of your anger and a powerful tool to overcome it.
Duration: 12 Mins
This story will change your life
Through this engaging real-life story, Mahatria narrates an inspiring incident that will help us shift our mindset.
Duration: 10 Mins
Good Habits - The secret to Success
Simple methods by which we can develop good habits in every aspect of our life. If we endeavor in this direction, consistently, within 3 months our lives will be on an upward streak.
Duration: 16 Mins
3 PRINCIPLES from Buddha for high ENERGY levels
How to get your energy right? Watch this video and draw the very best into your life!
Duration: 20 Mins
The power of Alone time
How do we invite a breakthrough in our lives?
Duration: 11 Mins
Employment or Entrepreneurship
Should you choose entrepreneurship or employment? Watch the video to find out...
Duration: 9 Mins
Stop begging, keep GIVING!
The feeling of being unappreciated despite giving so much to others, can be emotionally taxing and lead to a sense of frustration. Through this video, Mahatria offers you 2 templates to triumph over this...
Duration: 8 Mins
A powerful spiritual truth
As humans, we are inherently drawn towards seeking personal gains. This transactional mindset could be coming in the way of your spiritual journey. In this video, Mahatria reveals an important spiritual truth to deepen your spiritual experiences.
Duration: 4 Mins
Stop Micromanaging
Scalability is not possible without building a dependable team in an organisation. In this video Mahatria explains an essential leadership trait to build one.
Duration: 8 Mins
Make it big in life!
A compilation video on why success matters, the secret of successful people, what guarantees success, why only a few succeed, and the mindset of a champion will empower you to reach your goals.
Duration: 12 Mins
Must-watch for couples
Whether you're newly married or have been together for decades, this video compilation will usher in a renewed appreciation for the journey of togetherness.
Duration: 17 Mins
#Are you a one role wonder?
You might toil to become the youngest Vice President but in the process of achieving it you might have missed out on family life. Are you a one role wonder?
#Your thoughts decide your future
If you are scared to even dream of a billion dollars, how will you achieve it? Limitation in your thinking will manifest a limited life; expansion in your thinking will manifest an expansive abundant life! Expand your thinking! Abundance awaits…
#Inspiring Breakthroughs
In a world, where everything has been compartmentalised – spirituality or materialism, success or happiness, contentment or ambition, eastern or western – Mahatria has helped millions of people to have an amalgamated and holistic view of life. Again, in His own words, “Why choose OR when AND is possible? Problems are compartmentalised. Solutions are always holistic.”
#Spiritual progress or Materialistic abundance
Financial surplus in the hands of a 'good human being' will build a better world; financial surplus in the hands of a bad human being will destroy the existing world. A lot of bad is happening in the world because good people are not executing their responsibilities. Being rich isn’t just a choice, it’s a moral responsibility.
#The magic of human existence
The scope for improvement is a constant factor, as the next big thing is almost always mere steps away. Every day brings with it the promise of better developments and new horizons. What makes the difference, is our willingness to learn, as Mahatria explains.