The more and more I watch the journey of an entrepreneur
and wonder
why only a few of them
are able to create sustainable businesses,
and only few of them are able to scale the sustainability
while most of them,
year on year only experience an incremental improvement,
incremental growth.
At the heart of everything,
I observe this one correction that is required.
See what happens is,
chances are you are where you are…
You have reached where you have reached…
by your hard work,
by all the efforts that you have put in,
and that is what has led you to reach where you have reached.
And this creates
a doing addiction in you.
You become a doing addict.
And this becomes the greatest bottleneck to a small-medium business,
not able to scale into a large organization,
a national-level brand or a global-level brand.
Brutally put,
your business has reached where it has reached
because of you.
Your business is not growing any further
because of you.
You were its greatest strength,
you have become its biggest bottleneck.
So unless you bail yourself out,
and only you can help yourself in this.
You have to shift from being a doing addict.
You have to rely a lot more
on delegation.
Simply put,
early success comes
because of what you do.
Greater success comes
because you have learned the art of
how to get the work done.
It’s no more about what you are capable of doing.
It is about what are you capable of getting it done.
So if you have to scale the business,
you have to face this brutal truth.
You might be 100 times,
1000 times better than anybody else,
but you cannot do the work of 10 people concurrently.
So the more and more you realize
how to create a team,
how to create systems,
how to create hierarchical leadership,
the more and more you risk delegation.
I’m using the word ‘risk’ because
initially there will be transitional challenges,
because it’s so easy for you to do it directly.
Now to get it done
is not only a transition to your team,
it’s also a transition
for your empowering leadership.
So the transition will be difficult,
but if you can cross the transition,
and when you reach a stage,
it’s no more about what you are capable of,
it’s about your capability to get the work done.
Then you will reach a stage where
one hour of your leadership
can produce n*100,
n*1000s of hours of productivity,
and that is the only way to scale a business.
And that is the only way to scale sustainability.
And that is the only way to outgrow from being a small medium business
into a large enterprise.
So challenge for 2025 is not
how capable you are about what you are capable of doing,
but challenge for 2025 for all the entrepreneurs,
how do you groom yourself into a leader
who will be able to put teams, systems
and medium level leaders,
delegate, empower them…
And how do you get the work done.
That will be the most important transformation
you will gift to yourself and your business in 2025.
Wishing you most or more…
Wishing you flourishing possibilities…
Wishing you abundance. Thank you.