About infinithoughts
As an extension to Mahatria’s vision of awakening the world to a life of holistic abundance, infinithoughts, an exclusive monthly holistic growth magazine, has been changing lives for the past 2 decades.
infinithoughts is more than a magazine. Spirituality, Religion & Science, Management, Selling, Relationship, Marriage, Parenting, Adolescence, Psychology, Finance, Health, Clarity in thinking, Stress management, Science of living – every aspect of life finds place in infinithoughts.
In short infinithoughts is a manual on life.

Mahatria’s Wisdom
Through Destiny Designing – handwritten by Mahatria, regular ‘Q & A’ columns and various other sections, Mahatria provides clarity to every reader to lead a flourishing life, both materialistically and spiritually.

Inspirational Content
The content of the magazine is further enhanced by inspirational stories, quotes, growth-oriented posters and thoughts of great masters.

Your Growth Companion
infinithoughts is a guide to right living… it shows you the way. It makes you think and develops your analytical abilities. It motivates you, urges you to become better – to become the best you can be.
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Destiny Designing
A better way simply means progressing from'Maximum effort producing minimum results' to 'Minimum effort producing maximum results'.
First, define the results. Then, detach yourself from the desperation of results. Then, intensely attach yourself to the process, and direct your intelligence to Constant and Never-ending Improvement of the process. Where there is excellence in the process, the results, sooner than later, follow… and, that's the way to progressively attain, 'Minimum effort producing maximum results'.
Life is a Puzzle... ...With a Solution
When does our regular day-to-day work become a 'Prayer' unto Him?
'Man was not designed for tiredness'. If you know a man who knows not tiredness, then know that you know a man to whom everything is an expression of devotion, and all his acts are acts of prayer.
When you feel that expression of devotion in your regular day-to-day work, it becomes a 'Prayer' unto Him.
Unspoken Messages
What can we learn from The Sun
“Even a simple phenomenon when viewed with heightened awareness can unfold new schools of learning. Every moment, every encounter, every activity and every experience has within it an unspoken message. There is something even in nothing and there is everything in something. Moment after moment, live consciously. Hear the unheard, see the unseen, feel the unfelt… unravel the unspoken. Remember, you are an evolving consciousness.”
Mahatria Clarifies
Life is all about Relationships
Why do people lose interest in life?
My father, over the past few years, has become non-functional - both at home and at work. It seems he has lost interest in life. At times this looks annoying, intentional and brings tears because he was a sharp contrast to everything written above. How do I bring back smile on his face?
How does it feel to be deeply connected to god? What happens to our life? What happens to us?
A group of politicians and their followers had barged into my office one day. They wanted funds for elections. I politely explained to them that we do a lot of good to the world directly, and we wish to use our funds for such purposes and not for any political reasons. Some of the followers reacted in extremely disrespectful tones.
Mahatria Speaks to Gen Next
What is multiple intelligence? Why should I develop it? How can I develop it?
Every human being has multiple intelligence. For example, your ability to understand, appreciate and perform music is one form of intelligence - musical intelligence. This is completely different from your ability to think in pictures - and if you are capable of thinking in pictures, if you are creative, then that's another form of intelligence - spatial intelligence.
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