Are you a ONE-ROLE wonder?

The magic of human existence lies entrenched in its infinite possibilities for evolution and development. The scope for improvement is a constant factor, as the next big thing is almost always mere steps away. Every day brings with it the promise of better developments and new horizons. What makes the difference, is our willingness to learn, as Mahatria explains.

“Strive to ensure that
every today of yours is better than your yesterday.
Because there is always a
scope for improvement and development.”

It’s such an amazing feeling to be a human being. Human being is not about what is not going right, or what is yet to be achieved, or what is incomplete. The entire process of being a human being, comes from the celebration. I can move in the direction of what I want to become in life.

And that is not predestined. That is not something that’s controlled. That’s not beyond an individual. I can move in the direction of what I want to become in life.

And it’s such a privilege to be a human being. But you know you can gift this, and it’s within your control, to move in the direction of what you want to become in life, which is the process of transforming ourselves, which is the process of working on ourselves to let go of our yesterdays.

And in some way strive to ensure, that every today of mine, in some way, is better than my yesterday. And somehow eventually make it so habitual, that every today of yours is better than your yesterday, and every tomorrow of yours is better than your today.

And it is in this striving, it’s not in arriving. It’s the game that’s exciting! It’s the next ball that you need to bowl, the next ball that you need to catch, the next ball that you’re going to hit. It’s the next ball that will be passed on to you, or you will pass it on.

It’s the next serve. It’s the next return. It’s the next volley. It’s the next decision. It’s the next correction. It is to have executed a strategy, and to realize it has reached this threshold, and to come up with the next strategy, and the next.

And everybody believes you, as an industrial leader, have reached your point of stagnation, and nothing else can be done. Beyond what you’ve already done, and somewhere, your heart alone beats, recognizing, the best is yet to be. There’s nothing which is in human creation.

For that matter, there is nothing in this divine creation, which ceases to evolve. We still don’t have the world’s best idea. The next idea will be better than all the previous ideas. We still don’t have the ultimate breakthrough; the next breakthrough will be better than all the earlier breakthroughs.

You haven’t yet come up with the ultimate leadership style. I don’t care what all you have done, there is still a style, there is still a method, there is still an empowering way, which you will discover. You haven’t yet created the ultimate product.

And, you know it. You thought so. Little tweak here. One ingredient added, one ingredient removed. One packaging changed. One color added, one color reduced. A little lighting to present what exists. By changing the background, suddenly foreground looks better.

And somehow, just the presentation of a product changes the perception of how the world sees the product. And somewhere, continuous research and development in every facet of life cannot be going, if collective human intelligence did not believe everything can be improved.

Everything can be improved. And so is this creation! A human being. If you, the human intelligence, believe that everything that exists can be improved, you, a product of that infinite intelligence, can never cease to improve.

The magic of being a human being, is that you can come into the battlefield as the greatest amongst all the kshatriyas and realize there is still scope for your improvement and development.

The magic of being a human being is, that you can be a maestro. The world listens to listen to your exposition of music, and yet you can listen to a little boy sing. A new instrument player.

Another genre of music, a trigger will come, and there are ragas yet to be discovered. There are tunes yet to be invented. You can be Burman, you can be Rahman, you can be Ilayaraja, you can be MS Viswanathan. And you have already done thousands and hundreds of thousands of scores.

Yet, the confidence with which you can go to the keyboard tonight, and start again from the same sa re ga ma pa dha ni, knowing very well, within the next ten minutes, within the next fifteen minutes, within the next two hours, maybe in three hours’ time, maybe by sunrise…

Some music will unfold through you that you have not heard it before. I’ve been doing this for twenty years. Working on people. And I teach out of inspiration. I don’t teach out of memory. The best in me is got out by my audience. Better the audience, the best in me comes out.

If you all believe you are the best crowd in Chennai, oh you are going to see a master in action in the remaining sessions. You bring out the best in me. Your response, your implementation, your thought process. You don’t have to talk to me.

It may be difficult for a lot of you to understand what I mean by saying, you don’t have to talk to me, but I know what you’re going through. You can test it. You can come for certain sessions with a question in your mind and sit there, and be sure about it, that day, that question will be answered in that session.

You don’t have to ask me. You have to just hold that question inside. You mean thousand of us sit with questions? That’s the magic. The creator, if he created you after his own image, created you to create. And you’re all here to create. And that’s the magic of being a human being.

I’m sure Meiyappan picks up a blank sheet of paper, and a pencil, and start drawing some lines, and he has no clue in what direction the next line will come. I don’t know. I’m sure lot of musicians sitting here, do not know what’s going to come out of you next time.

Tomorrow you’ll come up with an idea. And all your earlier ideas, I’m sorry to be using a monetizing term, because that’s one language you people understand. So sometimes money becomes necessary as a frame of reference, because it’s measurable.

You would have been in this business for fifteen years, eighteen years, and all your ideas have given you two hundred and fifty crores. And you think this is your business potential?

Your business potential is not market potential, market potential is infinite times more than your business potential. So today, this, you think is your business potential.

The market potential is infinitely higher, and the magic of being a human being is, tomorrow an idea will unfold to you, and that one idea, once it’s given a business model, an execution structure, a team is built around it, and told to execute, is worth more than all the ideas you have come up with till now.

It’s never too late to be awakened in life. The glory of a book is in the chapters yet to be read. Not in the chapters you’ve already read.

And the glory of your life is waiting somewhere in the future. Not in all the glory or past you’ve already lived. Somewhere, in one of those tomorrows…

This AND That - Apr-May 2024

A few unanswered questions could be slowing down your progress… stopping you from being the infinite possibility you are created to be. This AND That (TAT) Online, is a 12 session live online experience with Mahatria over 4 weeks, designed to upgrade your mindset.

This AND That - Apr-May 2024

A few unanswered questions could be slowing down your progress… stopping you from being the infinite possibility you are created to be. This AND That (TAT) Online, is a 12 session live online experience with Mahatria over 4 weeks, designed to upgrade your mindset.